Come join us for a sunshine-filled afternoon wander, in our little corner of the countryside…

This part of our neighbourhood is so quiet – a haven for wildlife and the perfect place to move our bodies and open our minds.

The fields are overflowing with colour right now. There’s something special about the pops of pink amongst all the green, glowing in the sunshine.

There’s always a friendly face to greet along the way.

Mindfully exploring the edge of a cornfield together was a highlight – E was fascinated by this glorious sight. Quite possibly the best place to play hide and seek… can you spot her hiding in the photo below?

Pausing for a moment to search for a few treasures and rediscovering the immense joy of dandelion wishes. So magical!

These beautiful countryside lanes (I don’t think I’ll ever tire of them) – so alive with colour and nature’s music during the warmer seasons.

Time to head home for tea… I hope this little escape into the countryside with us has helped to boost your energy if you needed it and inspired you to seek more moments in nature. Wishing you a restful evening.